Wednesday 30 June 2010

Louboutin leather pumps

There's no denying that Christian Louboutin makes wonderful shoes and these are classic and well made. Around 5inches in height, black leather with an almond toe with his signature red leather sole. Very much a shoe aimed at high class working females which of course I mean lawyers and other professionals. However I personally wasn't keen on them when I tried them. The flaw for me is the toe, it's too short. I don't like being able to see my "toe cleavage" and for me they remind me too much of my normally ballet pumps with a heel added.

Score 4/10

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Iron Fist Muerte Platform Punk (Office)

For a shoe that's been out since last year this is still one of my favourites around. I'm not into the punk scene and I knew that muerte meant death but these shoes are just beautiful with their skull and rose detailing. As far as I know the shoe comes in 2 colours, the grey and purple shown here and blue and red.

I fell in love with these the moment I saw them, they have a small platform of 1.5cm and a heel of 11cm, which is about 4.5inches in height but they are surprisingly comfortable and easy to walk in.

The Iron First brand make a lot of unusual styled shoes but for me these ones are as pretty as any more feminine looking shoe on the market today.
Currently on sale in Office.
Score 9/10